Anecdote: Undergraduate Student Worker, Class of 2021

Dublin Core


Anecdote: Undergraduate Student Worker, Class of 2021


Student Workers, Payment, University communication


Describes how student workers have been unknowingly deprived of payment that they are entitled to/relied on due to university actions which cancelled their work study without notification


April 25, 2020

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Being a student worker right now is rough. My friend and I had jobs at Brown that weren't able to go
remote. Brown's new policy indicates that we would still be eligible to receive compensation despite
losing our jobs if we had work study or campus employment expectations.
We both had high levels of work study at the beginning of the year so we weren't too worried.
However, we rechecked our aid packages and it turns out that Brown severely reduced hers and
outright cancelled my work study without us knowing. This apparently happened because we took
out federal loans at the beginning of the year.
Neither of us had any idea they had done this. The only indication of it was a two sentence message
neither of us remember getting a notification hidden in the back of one of Brown's websites.
Because I technically no longer have work study, despite no actual changes to my financial status, I
am no longer eligible for any compensation from Brown.
Without knowing it, months ago I traded what would have been nearly $1,000 in compensation
during this pandemic for student loans that I'll need to pay back anyways.

Original Format

Google Form Response


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