"18117 - topic: grades
To all who support UPass, you should really reevaluate why you personally do so. The movement is disingenuous and uses marginalized people as tokens, many of who....

Dublin Core


"18117 - topic: grades
To all who support UPass, you should really reevaluate why you personally do so. The movement is disingenuous and uses marginalized people as tokens, many of who....


Dear Blueno


March 29, 2020

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"18117 - topic: grades
To all who support UPass, you should really reevaluate why you personally do so. The movement is disingenuous and uses marginalized people as tokens, many of who have voiced why it would be extremely harmful for them if UPass were to be adopted. Moreover, UPass does not represent the voices of the entire student body, so why did UCS adopt it? And to the person who likened UPass to medicare for all. People without healthcare have voiced their want for medicare for all. As stated above, the marginalized people UPass is intended to protect have done the opposite. There are many testimonials also against UPass. If we are going to make political comparisons, how about to the right to chose? Removing choice is not more equitable!! Get off your moral high ground and reevaluate why you really support UPass!!"


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