March 20, University HR to Student Workers

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March 20, University HR to Student Workers


Student Work Arrangements During Remote Learning


University HR


March 20, 2020

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Dear Brown Student Workers,

We want to share our support for all students who have taken extraordinary measures to help Brown respond as a campus to the pressing public health emergency presented by the spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19). We recognize that this has been a time of tremendous change for students as every member of our community has played a role in heeding guidance from health officials to reduce the risk of exposure on campus.

A top priority for the University is ensuring that student workers are well positioned to focus on continuing their studies remotely to support their academic success. We understand how our students’ traditional work schedules have been upended among other disruptions in the interest of health and safety, and we are writing with key updates regarding your work assignment to assist you in preparing to manage your academic priorities and other responsibilities before classes resume March 30.

All student workers will be paid for scheduled time worked through Saturday, April 4. However, given the transition to remote learning at Brown, only students whose supervisors can identify work conducive to allowing their students to telecommute will be able to continue working remotely past April 4. No students can continue in roles that do not allow them to telecommute to fulfill their work functions.

As you are aware, student work at Brown comes in a variety of forms, and if your current position allows for remote work, you will receive an email communication from your supervisor sharing the continuation of your position. If you hold more than one job at different work locations, you should expect to receive communications from more than one supervisor. As with all work opportunities, there are some specialized job duties that cannot be performed remotely. If your job duties cannot be performed remotely during this period of remote learning, or if your manager determines that your work is not needed remotely, your work assignment will end on Saturday, April 4, 2020. It is not safe to continue any work functions that would require in-person work.

Please know that the end of any student work assignment in response to COVID-19 will not impact a student’s ability to re-apply for a position at Brown when normal on-campus operations resume. Students returning to Brown after this public health crisis will be able to seek work once normal business operations resume on campus.

We know that managing changes in your on-campus work arrangements is just one of the many issues you are facing in this moment, and that some students rely on employment to meet their basic needs. To support undergraduate students with high demonstrated financial need, the University has established a dedicated COVID-19 Transition E-Gap Fund to assist with emergent expenses related to the transition to remote learning. Depending on a student’s individual circumstances and financial need, E-Gap funding may provide partial support for travel, moving and storage, and education-related expenses. Students may apply directly at

We look forward to supporting you and your supervisor as members of the Brown community work together to navigate through these challenging times. If you have questions relating to your pay during the upcoming pay period (covering March 15 through April 4), please email

Please continue to safeguard your personal health, as well as the health and safety of friends and family, during this global public health emergency.


Amanda Bailey, Vice President for Human Resources
Barbara Chernow, Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration

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Student Work Arrangements During Remote Learning


Student Workers


University HR


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