18491 - as someone (among I'd presume many others) who's parents do not have jobs that can be done from home, how is Brown going to offer additional financial aid? there is no way....

Dublin Core


18491 - as someone (among I'd presume many others) who's parents do not have jobs that can be done from home, how is Brown going to offer additional financial aid? there is no way....


Dear Blueno


April 2, 2020

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18491 - as someone (among I'd presume many others) who's parents do not have jobs that can be done from home, how is Brown going to offer additional financial aid? there is no way my family can pay what they have in the past, especially if they expect this outbreak to continue until at least July, but I'd want to be able to return to Brown in the Fall (if we're back on campus by then)


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