"1609* - topics: corona discourse
I’m by no means condoning the extreme actions of some members of the senior class ...

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"1609* - topics: corona discourse
I’m by no means condoning the extreme actions of some members of the senior class ...


Dear Blueno


March 16, 2020



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"1609* - topics: corona discourse
I’m by no means condoning the extreme actions of some members of the senior class. But as a fellow senior citizen, there is something so traumatic about being ripped from all of your friends and support systems and daily life structure while knowing nothing will ever be the same. We don’t have the luxury of being able to return in the fall, to have another shot of normalcy, to see our friends in person again.

It can be obnoxious hearing about how we won’t have a ~ senior spring ~. But consider that we don’t have any more springs left at brown at all. Some of us won’t ever do primal scream, or the scili challenge, or tell that one person our true feelings, or try out PVDonuts, or check out the theatre on Thayer street, or even walk across a graduation stage- all trivial in the grand scheme of things, sure, but it’s the fact that we truly have no time or space to properly process any of this. That the universe essentially threw a big middle finger at any plans, control, or stability we may have perceived to have over our lives. There’s a suddenness and finality that have caused most of my friends to break down this week.

So, some people party and drink in order to cope. Given recent news of the covid case from Saturday, obviously throwing a rager wouldn’t be the most appropriate thing to do now, or even before then; and coronavirus themed parties are straight up insensitive imo. As an Asian with all my relatives in china, you can miss me with some of this racist Party theme shit. I can’t condone their actions- but, I can understand where they’re coming from, even in their ignorance. In the small parties I did go to, it was a space for us to acknowledge our sadness and grieve together while enjoying each other’s company for the last time, and distract ourselves from the pain of it all.

It felt like nothing really mattered anymore, but
also like everything started to matter all too much all at once for the very first time.

Idk I guess I’m just apologizing on behalf of some members of my class, but also asking for some empathy and kindness during this time. It’s a poor way to do it, but we’re just trying to cope with our own unique situations as much as anyone else."


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