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  • Collection: Student Art + Media

share facts about COVID-19 poster.jpg
Poster collected from the Brown Design Workshop during moveout. The poster, created by the CDC, is titled "Share Facts About COVID-19". States that "Diseases can make anyone sick regardless of their race or ethnicity", that "The risk of getting…

1273EF2F-E841-4EE5-8FFC-9145D608BA35 - Sumera Subzwari.jpeg
Photographer description: "image is of me moving my plants to give to another student who was staying on campus and offered to foster them for me until I returned."

mask statue.jpg
Image shows the statue of Caesar Augustus on Wriston Quad wearing a face mask. Photographer note: "It says fuck white supremacy on the base."

Screen Shot 2020-03-29 at 16.53.23 - Fabi Sarkis (1).png
Ten students zoom around the world to stay in touch. Students and locations listed left-right, top-bottom are Sasha Burgess/Russia, Fabi Sarkis/Brazil, Daniela Carney/Portugal, Ben Ryjikov/New York, MJ Lee/Rhode Island (on-campus), Sofia Boracci/New…

Screen Shot 2020-04-18 at 12.08.51 - Fabi Sarkis.png
8 friends zoom to stay in touch from five countries and four US states to stay in touch. Student names listed in photo. Locations going left-right, top-bottom are Russia, Brazil, Michigan, Rhode Island (on-campus), Japan, Florida, New York, and…

Screen Shot 2020-04-23 at 12.07.25 - Fabi Sarkis.png
Three students (Hikaru Hayashi/top left, Fabiana Sarkis/top right, Ben Ryjikov/bottom) zoom call to stay in touch from Japan, Brazil, and New York

Screen Shot 2020-04-25 at 09.37.43 1 - Fabi Sarkis.png
Two international students zoom call around the world, despite the time zone difference, to stay in touch

A box labeled FOOD DONATION in Wayland Arch, next to which is a box of toiletries.

50B64071-DFE3-476A-9BA3-BC462F1E8088 - Sumera Subzwari.jpeg
Photographer description: "...image is a banner some students hung up outside of their off campus residence the day classes were cancelled via email."

This photo shows one of many COVID-19 Signs that were placed around campus during the second week of March. This one is located outside Orwig Music Library
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