"18304 - topic: grades
I feel terribly conflicted about my work in light of Dean Zia's letter. Any effort I expend on my assignments, readings, papers feels like I'm ....

Dublin Core


"18304 - topic: grades
I feel terribly conflicted about my work in light of Dean Zia's letter. Any effort I expend on my assignments, readings, papers feels like I'm ....


Dear Blueno


March 31, 2020

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"18304 - topic: grades
I feel terribly conflicted about my work in light of Dean Zia's letter. Any effort I expend on my assignments, readings, papers feels like I'm contributing to a system that has so thoroughly ignored the stresses on the undeserved, infected, or those who love someone that has been infected.

It's easy to dismiss these w the new ""option for S/NC."" But its belittling for underserved students to segregate themselves from the population. And its undeniably true that grad schools + employers will not perceive their optional passes as kindly as if they mandatory.

If we're serious about protecting each other, I feel like we need UCS or someone else to organize a boycott of classes. I know it seems extreme, but it may be the only way that admin will take this seriously. Thoughts?


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