2133* - I understand people are pissed at Lancastre for Macro. But we need to understand...

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2133* - I understand people are pissed at Lancastre for Macro. But we need to understand...


Dear Blueno


April 5, 2020

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2133* - I understand people are pissed at Lancastre for Macro. But we need to understand that he is posting pre-recorded lectures that are SUFFICIENT for the class-> these would be the equivalent of what would happen if we were on campus. The zoom live sessions are just for further clarifications, he literally goes over the same thing in the same manner. We are not required to attend the zoom lectures.

As for the midterm and people complaining that we have the same time, if you look at the mock midterm, it's the exact same as a physical one would have been and it's being done like a Canvas quiz. So we don't have to do it on paper. We had 50 minutes for the physical, now we have 60 (I assume the extra 10 is to give time to upload the 2 graph images).

Can we also appreciate all that he is doing for students? My other classes are straight up posting a scanned midterm and giving us the same time to solve the entire midterm on paper and upload the entirety of it.
He's also scheduled alternative zoom sessions for the international students, and from what I hear from my international friends, it is actually helpful because the live sessions were at an atrocious time for them. He also has TA hours and TA sections being offered at international suitable times.

I understand it's easy to blame profs in this time but we should consider that it's not easy for them and things are not as bad as they seem. Like we definitely are not required to or need to attend both sessions.


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